Walking Quotes

"The fleeting hour of life of those who love the hills is quickly spent, but the hills are eternal. Always there will be the lonely ridge, the dancing beck, the silent forest; always there will be the exhilaration of the summits. These are for the seeking, and those who seek and find while there is yet time, will be blessed both in mind and body."

Yes, it's the man himself, Alfred Wainwright


I will exchange a city for a sunset

The tramp of legions for a wind's wild cry

And all the braggard thrusts of steel triumphant

For one far summit blue against the sky


Monica Blake

Fill in the blanks in this product description: 

Congratulations. You have just purchased the most technically advanced ......... in the      world. Crafted in Ireland, using over 75 years of tradition and experience, we have created these ........ which are guaranteed to enhance the performance of your ......... 

It sounds like something which is capable of conquering Iraq.

The missing words are socks, socks and footwear. Thus far has the humble walking sock travelled. 

It Was Upon

It was upon a July evening,

At a stile I stood looking along a path

Over the country by a second Spring

Drenched pefect green again. 'The lattermath

Will be a fine one.' So the stranger said,

A wandering man. Albeit I stood at rest

Flushed with desire I was. The earth out-spread

Like meadows of the future I possessed.

And as an unaccomplished prophecy

Of a score years, when these fields are by me

Never to be recrossed, now I recall,

This July eve, and question wondering

What of the lattermath to this hoar Spring?


Edward Thomas

On the Go

This is a piece of e-mail I received on behalf of Stafford Ramblers. I was gobsmacked; if I'd had it at the start of April, I'd have sworn it was an April Fool's prank. Do they have September Fools in the States?

I thought you would like to share our product information with the female
members of your club, the Stafford Rambling Group.

OnTheGo is a revolutionary women's stand-up accessory that allows women to
relieve themselves while standing.  It is made of FDA-approved material, is
hygienic, and reusable.

OnTheGo is great for boating, camping, hiking, or any other outdoor activity
where toilets are few and far between.  No longer do women have to get nearly
undressed and assume an undignified position, fearing flora, fauna or

OnTheGo is easy to use, compact enough to carry in a pocket, and tucks easily
into a purse or backpack.

Not without humor, OnTheGo brings new meaning to stand-up comedy, stand-up
relief, and stand by your man--and now you can leave the seat up.

To order send a check or money order for $12.95 to OnTheGo, 316 21st Avenue
NE, St. Petersburg, FL 33704 or  to use a cretit card or fins out more about
OnTheGo, please double click here at www.womenstandtogo.com , or type
www.womenstandtogo.com in your web address box, and then press the enter dey
in order to go directly to our website.



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Walking Links Get a Life! Site Details Latest Photos

Have a look at the Stafford Rambling Group site

I  try  to ensure that the information provided on this Web is accurate, barring the odd bit of petty slander. If you find anything that is not accurate (or if you would like me to add a link to your site)  please let me know so that I can update it. However, I will not be held responsible for any inaccuracies nor for any use to which the information may be put.