Change "Free
Parking" to "Public Footpath".
There's no such thing as free parking in the Lakes. |
What player tokens
would you use? The boot has got to stay but in a more high-tech styling; a
Meindl Nepal perhaps. Other possibilities are a border collie, a Herdwick, a
finger post, a bobble hat and a trig point. |
If you've got 4 tents
on a mountain, are you allowed to build a bothy? |
Alter "Community
Chest" to "Rucksack"
and "Chance" to "Weather
Conditions". |
Instead of the two
Tax squares, have George Fisher's and Rathbone's. The penalty is having to
buy an extravagant piece of gear. Fisher's will be the more expensive. |
If one remained true
to the spirit of Wainwright, the water utility would be the Manchester
Corporation Water Undertaking. You could even use 1930s prices like
Monopoly. |
Or, even better, have
pubs instead of utilities. This gives plenty of scope of arguing over the
two best walkers' pubs. I'll suggest the Kirkstone Pass Inn and the Old
Dungeon Ghyll to get the debate started. Anyone voting for the Old Dun Bull
in Mardale Green is clearly a smartarse. |
 | Is Sellafield
really the worst place that we could send someone. Ian reckons that it
should be "Go to Mungrisedale Common" I suspect that there are
even worse places eg that bog between High Tove and High Seat. |
You can't possibly
have a banker. In deference to Wainwright, this has got to be renamed as the
Borough Treasurer of Kendal. Thus you collect £200 for passing Kendal Town
Hall, en route for the hills. |
Membership due: pay £x |
stuck behind large, slow-moving party of Japanese tourists; go back 3
squares |
offers you lift to Wasdale: go to Scafell Pike |
map case and NW Lakes map; take £y from Borough Treasury. (NB: the map case
is mine. I left it on Seat in 1996) |
signal on mobile phone: miss a turn (Alternatively: throw again) |
repairs due. Renew waterproofing: £z per tent |
footpath on Glaramara: take a Weather Conditions card |
 | Caught
using GPS gadget: pay a fine. |
tells you she is pregnant. Go directly to Sellafield. In fact, get a job
there! Do not expect to finish the Wainwrights for at least 15 years. You
are the Meekest Gink – goodbye! |
 | Wife
takes lover: collect one Mountain card from each other player. (Think about
it: you'll have no bother getting a pass-out to go to the hills) |